The purpose of the 1st phone lesson is for me to assess your individual learning style so I can determine the best and quickest way to individually teach you to speak and think in Italian. ▬► The phone lesson will take approximately 15 minutes, maybe 20 ▬► Before ringing, here are many exercises to help you practice your Italian – the intention of the practice is purely to accustomise your ears to the sounds of the Italian language
In other words, any lists and phrases would help but these were chosen by me. ▬► At the end of the lesson, I’ll share some personal tips with you

Before you start practicing ▬► click on this link      

Ascolta e ripeti (To 1 person, informal) Listen and repeat!

Ascolta e ripeti
(To 1 person, informal)
Listen and repeat!

If I am talking to one person only informally – Ascolta e ripeti! (Listen and repeat)

Slide03  Pronto?

Pronto = Hello
Sono Enza. C’è + your name ?

You respond by saying ...  Your response will always be – it’s me.  Sono io

I’ll then ask you to spell your name Come si scrive?How do you spell that?

You respond by saying ...  Spell your name eg ENZA  Si scrive e – enne – zeta – a


Screen Shot 2015-05-05 at 21.16.22

Il cellulare, ce l'hai?

Il cellulare, ce l’hai?

I’ll ask you if you have a mobile phone Il cellulare, ce l’hai?

You will say yes, I’ve got one of those Sì, ce l’ho
(Pronounced – Ssi chair-law – or ssi – cel-lo (lo as in law) – going up as you say  the last vowel ‘o’

Pronounced - Ssi chair-law - or ssi - cello - going up as you say 'o'

Pronounced – Ssi chair-law – or ssi – cello – going up as you say ‘o’

Ascolta e ripeti (To 1 person, informal) Listen and repeat!

Ascolta e ripeti
(To 1 person, informal)
Listen and repeat!

▬► Before moving on, CLICK HERE again to practice with me

Now let’s move onto the numbers from 0-9


Before practicing your mobile number  ▬► CLICK HERE to practice 0-9 with me

What’s your mobile number? =
Qual è il tuo numero di telefono?

You will then give me your mobile number –  
(Il mio numero è di telefono è …)  0448899083 zero quattro quattro otto otto nove nove zero otto tre


At that point, I’ll speak to you a little in English
If you’re super keen, we can go through the days of the week in Italian if you feel up to it  …
These will be covered in future phone lessons so it’s up to you

Ascolta e ripeti (To 1 person, informal) Listen and repeat!

Ascolta e ripeti
(To 1 person, informal)
Listen and repeat!


CLICK HERE to practice with the English translation

I giorni della settimana = Days of the Week

NB: The days of the week are not capitalised in Italian.

If you have got to here and are about to ring me … perhaps pop into this page one more time

Or if keen to do the days & months as well …here are your 2 optional extras


If you’re super super keen, we can go through the days of the week in Italian if you feel up to it  …
These will be covered in future phone lessons so it’s up to you 
Audio listen and repeat practice ▬►  CLICK HERE to practice with me

Ascolta e ripeti (To 1 person, informal) Listen and repeat!

Ascolta e ripeti
(To 1 person, informal)
Listen and repeat!

CLICK HERE to practice with the English translation

I mesi dell’anno  = Months of the Year

NB: The months of the year are not capitalised in Italian. 

At this point, I’ll speak to you in English and we’ll go through a few more things …

Bravissima! Grazie, Abbiamo finito la lezione. Alla prossima lezione, Ciao
Very good. Thanks. We have finished the lesson. Until the next lesson – Bye


Here are 2 links to help you prepare for the song – 1 with both languages – do this 1st
Then one just with the Italian – excellent for helping you to lay foundations for thinking in Italian – do this last

Ascolta e ripeti (To 1 person, informal) Listen and repeat!

Ascolta e ripeti
(To 1 person, informal)
Listen and repeat!

▬►  Here’s a link to help you perfect your pronunciation and intonation with the English translation side by side

▬► Here’s a link to help you perfect your pronunciation and intonation with just the Italian

Ciao pa’ …(abbreviated from Ciao papà)
Sono io, come stai
Ti telefono da qui
Qui, da una camera d’albergo
Scusa se, è da un po’
che io non ti chiamo più
Ma sai, sai già come son fatto
Io però ti penso spesso
Fortemente, come adesso
Io sto bene, come no
Ho mangiato dei panini
E sto riposando un po’
Il lavoro va così
Tutti dicono c’è crisi
ma io, io non mollo, no
Non ti devi preoccupare
Oramai mi so arrangiare

Bravissima! Grazie, Abbiamo finito la lezione. Alla prossima lezione, Ciao
Very good. Thanks. We have finished the lesson. Until the next lesson – Bye

At this point, I’ll speak to you in English and we’ll go through a few more things …