
Structured, easy to follow, rewarding

Teacher of Italian

Excellence is KEY

Teacher of Italian
(+ French, German, English)

Bachelor of Art + Diploma of Education (Syd.Uni.) K-12 Teacher, Uni Tutor/Lecturer/Writer/NSW Course Creator/Editor + HSC Examiner/Marker
35+ Years of experience. Native Fluency.


Experienced Traveller

Enza grew up bilingual but she has also visited and stayed in Italy for extended periods of time since 1982 (12 times, longest European stay: 8 months).


Applied Linguistic + Neuro-Accelerated Mastery of Language Learning

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Basic – 3 Month Package

Coming soon

Per Month/year(3 months)

  • Self-paced online lessons
  • Self-Corrected
  • 15 minute monthly zoom
  • Online Video Library
  • Online Grammar Videos

Coming soon

Per Month/year(2 free m.ths)

  • Online lessons
  • Self-corrected
  • 15 minute weekly Zoom
  • Online Lesson Videos
  • Online Grammar Videos

Free 15 minute Zoom – coming soon

Free 15 minute Zoom – coming soon

Everyone laughed when I said I was taking Italian lessons but when I ordered the meal from the menu in Italian and the waiter complimented me at the Italian restaurant, the stunned looks on my family’s faces made it all worthwhile. Cant wait to book a trip Italy now.
35, Office Admin

Applied Linguist, Polyglot, Business Coach, Meditation Therapist.
Bachelor of Arts. Diploma Of Education (Sydney University) Writer.
Experience teaching preschoolers, K-12, NSW HSC Examiner/Marker University Tutor/Lecturer/Teacher Trainer: Sydney/West. Syd. Uni.s Online Course Creator. Neuro-Linguistic Learning Style Assessment
