Chris Lonsdale’s talk has been a great inspiration to all those who have ever given up hope of learning a language. Enjoy this 18 minute video which mirrors techniques that are very similar if not identical to the ones I make use of when facilitating learning during my lessons. Enjoy!
There are teachers around the globe who like me, believe it is possible to learn to think in a language and speak the language conversationally within 6 months. It comes down to technique. 80% of language teaching techniques enhance vocabulary retention and reading and writing skills but fail to teach the student how to access that part of their brain that learns to think and speak in a language. It’s actually easier to focus on the written comprehension but unless we practice and train the parts of our brain that think in a language to accommodate a new one – the learning remains passive and frustrating for the learner who spends more and more time, more and more money, doing more courses all in the hope that the penny will one day drop.
Sadly – unless we come to observe and embrace our own individual learning style, studying a language academically is like studying a ‘learn to drive’ manual or a ‘learn to cook’ manual or worse a ‘learn to cycle’ manual. Unless we get off the page and start actually practicing the skill, it remains theory – excellently learned off by heart theory but without a place in the right hemisphere of the brain which translates theory into action. The right hemisphere works at a much slower pace than the left hemisphere so that it may appear as if we are repeating a lesson too many times but this repetition is practice and lays solid foundations, necessary for mastery of the spoken language.
I invite you to view and enjoy the video below which explains the methods used by me as well – I love connecting with like minded scholars who have had the same experience and walked similar paths along the challenging road that leads to successful facilitating of learning in oneself and others.